Homemade chicken broth is too time-consuming and store-bought broth is too expensive to waste. So how long does chicken broth last in the fridge? We'll go over when broth expires and how you can make it last longer.

How Long Does Chicken Broth Last in the Fridge Before Going Bad?

Whether you stood over the stove simmering a delicious batch of homemade chicken broth or sprang for a carton at the grocery store, you definitely don’t want to waste a drop. While some recipes use up a whole box of chicken broth, more often than not, you’ll have leftovers. So how long does chicken broth last in the fridge? Here’s the timeline you should follow to ensure your chicken broth is safe for consumption, plus tips for storing it and ideas for using it up.
And by the way, though technically chicken broth and chicken stock are slightly different, the rules for storing and freezing are the same for both.
Is there a difference between homemade and boxed chicken broth?
It really depends on the type of boxed chicken broth you buy. While our top-rated store-bought chicken broths generally use natural, whole food ingredients, like real chicken and vegetables, they still usually contain more sodium than homemade broth. Most boxed or canned chicken broths also contain some preservatives. This means that store-bought broth will keep a bit longer in the refrigerator than homemade.
Homemade broth has the simplest possible list of ingredients: chicken meat or bones, vegetables and aromatics. If you like to use up leftover veggie scraps to make broth (a very thrifty idea!) then the broth is already operating with older ingredients. It’s still safe and delicious, but you’ll want to eat it a bit more quickly.
How long does homemade chicken broth last in the fridge?
Homemade chicken broth will keep for up to four days in the refrigerator. Allow it to cool slightly before popping into the fridge (boiling-hot broth might warm up the whole refrigerator, which can make other food spoil). Once it’s cooled off a bit, transfer the broth to an airtight container.
How long does boxed or canned chicken broth last in the fridge?
Once opened, boxed chicken broth will keep for up to five days in the refrigerator. You should store it directly in the box.
Canned chicken broth will keep for up to four days. For the best flavor and freshness, transfer the broth from the can into a food-safe glass or plastic storage container with a lid.
Tips for Saving Chicken Broth
Here are a few ways to make sure your chicken broth doesn’t go to waste:
- Store it properly: When refrigerating chicken broth, store it in a clean container with a lid that closes tightly. Try to minimize how much air is in the container; it’s best to use one that just fits the broth.
- Label with dates: Whether refrigerating or freezing, it’s smart to label broth with the date it was made (or opened). This way, you’ll never toss a carton too soon or use it too late.
- Freeze: Homemade chicken broth will keep for up to six months in the freezer, and store-bought broth will last for four months. There are a few tricks to freezing broth. First, allow it to cool completely before transferring it to the freezer. Second, choose the right container. If you don’t have much broth left, freeze it in an ice cube tray, then store the frozen cubes in a plastic bag. Pull one or two out whenever you need a touch of flavor in a recipe. For a lot of leftover broth, store in gallon resealable plastic bags or in Mason jars. If you opt for using glass jars, leave at least 1-inch of headspace at the top so the soup can expand as it freezes.
- Use smaller amounts: You can use broth in more than just soup! There are lots of ways to use up leftover broth and leftover stock. Replace some or all of the water in a pot of rice, quinoa or other grain. Simmer red or brown lentils in broth. Deglaze a skillet with a splash of broth. Smooth out mashed potatoes with a little bit of broth. The possibilities are endless!