Once you’ve determined your holiday menu, you’ll want to make sure you’re laying out your spread on a gorgeous board. This wood and marble board is simple, so it won’t detract from your food or fall out of fashion.
How can I make my kitchen look Christmassy?
We recommend leaning into colors, patterns and designs commonly associated with Christmas. If you’re looking for a homey, cabin-inspired look, green and red plaids are always a great go-to. You can opt for silver and gold if you want something a little more classy and modern. You can also capture the Christmas essence by decorating with holiday-related plants, like poinsettia, cranberry branches or wreaths. You can even utilize pine cones, tree bark, deer antlers—the list just keeps going.
How do you decorate the counters and tops of kitchen cabinets for Christmas?
There’s no hard and fast rule for how you should decorate your counters and the tops of your cabinets, but common decor elements include festive garlands, fake snow (usually loose cotton), tabletop trees, string lights, figurines and more. Just make sure you’re being conscientious about how much stuff you’re putting on your counters, as you’ll still need space for your daily cooking and holiday get-togethers.
Should you put decorations on top of kitchen cabinets?
Some might say that decorating the tops of kitchen cabinets is an outdated trend, but others might claim it’s a timeless method for decorating your kitchen. But we’ve got great news for you: it’s your kitchen, so you can decorate it however you want. If you want to put decorations on your cabinets, you should. The holidays are, in part, about bringing joy—that includes to yourself.