Will Oreo Puffs fill the Oreo O's-shaped hole in our hearts?

Oreo O’s Are Being Discontinued and Replaced with an Oreo Cereal I Had to Try

Bad news for people who like eating teeny-tiny cookies for breakfast: Oreo O’s have been discontinued. Good news, though: Oreo Puffs have risen from the ashes to take their place!
Why is this happening? Only the Oreo gods know, and I, for one, choose not to question their choices, lest they smite me at some point in the future. I already have enough problems, and breakfast cereal doesn’t need to be one of them.
If all you care about is eating cookies for breakfast, this change probably won’t have a profound effect on you. But if you’re someone who is particular about cereal textures, it may very well upend your mornings.
Though O’s and Puffs are both circular in nature, the slight differences in their geometry couldn’t make them more different. O’s are flatter, denser and crispier, like life preservers floating in a sea of milk, while Puffs are like buoyant beach balls bobbing atop the surface. This small change radically alters the entire experience of Oreo cereal, so be prepared for some personal upheaval if you’re a longtime Oreo O’s consumer. As for how Oreo Puffs taste, read on.
How do Oreo Puffs taste?
Oreo Puffs taste like lesser Oreos, which they should, because if they were full-throttle Oreos, it would be excessive. And mind you, the entire concept of cookie cereal is already so excessive that it reads as a parody. This is the sort of thing people in the rest of the world single out when they’re making fun of Americans. But, to be fair, our unbridled freedom to eat sugary cereals for breakfast is part of the American dream.
I’m someone who can (and does) easily inhale Oreos by the sleeve, so in theory, I should love Oreo Puffs. And yet, they just made me long for true Oreos—ones that don’t have to dial down their flavor to be “more nutritious.” Oreos that know what they are without concession or apology. If you’re committing to eating cookies for breakfast, you may as well go all in, right?
Though their place at the breakfast table may be debatable, I can still see plenty of uses for Oreo Puffs. They’d be fun to mix into Rice Krispies treats, or to use as an ice cream topping. You could also munch them by the handful while watching a movie, or keep a bowl of them to snack on throughout the day, which is something you shouldn’t do with regular Oreos. (Though you can. Not my job to regulate your Oreo habits.)
Where do I find Oreo Puffs?
Oreo Puffs can be found in pretty much any supermarket, warehouse club or store where other fine Oreo products are sold.