You're not dreaming! Coca-Cola Orange Cream will be in stores around February 2025.

Coca-Cola Plans to Drop a Nostalgic Flavor, and We Can’t Wait

Get ready for Coca-Cola Orange Cream, coming in 2025. I’m a veteran soda sampler who’s tested everything from Coca-Cola Y3000 (tasted like candy) to Coca-Cola Starlight (tasted like fruity candy) to hot Dr Pepper (tasted like it should’ve been left in the 1950s).
I’ll say it, loud and proud: Coca-Cola Orange Cream sounds pretty appealing. That’s a powerhouse flavor! From delightful orange sherbet to creamy Orange Julius drinks, the sunny citrus flavor of orange lights up most everything it touches. (Just one exception: I did not love the chocolate orange Jones Soda, which didn’t blend the tart of the orange well with the creamy richness of chocolate.)
What is the new flavor?
You’re right if you swear you’ve tasted an orange-accented Coke before. You’re thinking of Coca-Cola Orange Vanilla, which is no longer available. This new flavor has been dubbed Coca-Cola Orange Cream. A representative for Coca-Cola told me Coca-Cola Orange Cream will have a “smoother, creamier taste profile” than the original orange-flavored Coke variety.
As the co-author of two books about the lost toys, tastes and trends of the 1970s, ’80s and ’90s, I know exactly what I’m talking about when I say with confidence that orange cream is a nostalgic flavor for many. Think of a cheerful ice cream truck stocked with creamsicles, aka vanilla ice cream coated with a sweet orange-flavored shell. (My California husband insists these are “50-50 bars,” but in Minnesota where I grew up, they were creamsicles or dreamsicles.)
When will the new flavor drop?
Orange you ready to stock up? Coca-Cola Orange Cream and Coca-Cola Zero Sugar Orange Cream will be available starting in February 2025. The company expects to have it available in stores until the beginning of 2026, but it’s possible that could change, so pick up a pack when you spot it.