Is this trend crazy or brilliant? I had to test it myself, so I picked up some eggnog and a box of cereal.

People Are Putting Eggnog on Breakfast Cereal, and We Have Feelings

In our house, the minute Thanksgiving ends, it’s time to put up Christmas decorations and stock up on holiday snacks. For me, that always means a jug of fancy eggnog from the grocery. (Though maybe this year, I finally try my hand at homemade eggnog!) I put it in my morning coffee for a special treat. It’s creamier than heavy cream, and the gentle nutmeg flavor is perfect.
Since eggnog is so good with coffee, it makes sense that cereal with eggnog is a viral trend right now. People all over Reddit and TikTok are topping iconic cereals with this holiday beverage. I think this is a brilliant idea for an afternoon pick-me-up, so I decided to put eggnog on my Cinnamon Toast Crunch.
Why are people making cereal with eggnog?
It looks like a lot of people make cereal with eggnog because they are out of milk! No one wants to skip their morning Cheerios, especially when there’s a quart of eggnog in the refrigerator. Personally, I don’t need to be out of milk to enjoy eggnog. Nothing says Christmas quite like it, and that’s enough reason to fill my next bowl of cereal with a hearty pour of nog.
Is cereal with eggnog good?
I tried cereal with eggnog using Cinnamon Toast Crunch, like I saw on Reddit, and the combination was delicious but far too sweet for me. The nutmeg from the nog and cinnamon from the cereal go beautifully together, but for me, it’s too much when combined. I would definitely try eggnog again with unsweetened cereal or granola, and I would even drizzle the eggnog over warm cereal like oatmeal.
As for texture, eggnog is much thicker than milk. That isn’t for everyone, but to be honest, I didn’t mind it. I did find that I want much less eggnog with my cereal than I do regular milk, which I like filled to the brim so I can drink the cereal milk at the end. So, I went heavier on the cereal-to-nog ratio than I would with milk. Ultimately, I think it’s a fun combination, and I would be happy to have a bowl of cereal with eggnog on Christmas morning.