10 Things You Never Thought to Do With Your Vintage Teacups

If you have extra vintage teacups and kettles lying around, we've got a list of DIY projects that will transform your collection.

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Pretty Pastel Tea Cups in Row - Afternoon Tea PartyAlison Henley/Shutterstock

Ever heard of upcycling? It’s the process of reusing a product in a way that makes it even more valuable than the original material. In other words, taking a never-used collection of cloth napkins or vintage teacups and transforming them into a product you can use in your everyday life.

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Mature Woman Making Candles At Home
Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock

Vintage Teacup Candles

For an elegant way to use vintage teacups, try making a candle. It’s also a great way to use up old candle stubs. Just pour hot wax (this bee’s wax works great) into the cup, positioning a wick in the center. You can use a wooden skewer and a small piece of string to hold the wick in place as the wax dries.

To make a personalized gift, add essential oils, dyes or scents. Looking for more gift ideas? Here are clever presents you can fit in a Mason jar.

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Teapot pin cushion
Courtesy of Sadie Seasongoods

Teapot Pin Cushion

For anyone who loves sewing, this kettle-turned-pincushion is a genius way to store needles. Sadie Seasongoods explains how to make a pincushion out of a kettle lid on her blog, and you can follow the steps to reuse your own teapot. Even better? This clever craft will hide needles from prying children or pets.

Have spare tea bags, too? Here are a couple of ways to repurpose tea bags.

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Teacup bird feeder made from a vintage cup and saucer glued together.

“Tea Time” Bird Feeder

For a delicate way to hold birdseed, look no further than your kitchen cupboard. Use super glue to attach a half-overturned teacup onto a matching saucer, then fill it with birdseed. Hang from a tree or perch using string attached to the teacup handle.

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Tea cup mosaic
Courtesy of Balcony Garden Web

Upcycled Mosaic

This creative mosaic is a ticket to Wonderland and will take your garden from basic to next-level. Balcony Garden Web shares their idea of setting half-teacups and coffee mugs into cement. Fill the remaining space with mosaic tile for a unique garden decoration that can hold small plants once it’s dry! See Balcony Garden Web’s full list of DIY mosaic ideas.

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Three teacups stacked on top of one another with floral patterns and designs on them.
Amy Carver/Shutterstock

Stacked Centerpiece

Next time you invite friends over for tea or coffee, add an element of quirky coziness with this off-center table decoration. Start by using hot glue to attach three stacked teacups to a saucer. Then, embellish with spare ornaments, floral pieces and various household items. For a polished look, match the decorations to the design on the cups, as shown.

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Tea cup pumpkin
Courtesy of Tuula McPhee/Thrifty Rebel Vintage

Teacup Pumpkin

Thrifty Rebel Vintage blogger Tuula McPhee has a creative way to create a pumpkin out of vintage teacups. Just glue the pieces into a spiral formation on a copper plate, then use any stick-like object to create the stem. Tuula used a vintage screwdriver in her pumpkin.

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Pink cake pops in a teacup
Elena Schweitzer/Shutterstock

Cake Pop Display

If you’ve ever made cake pops or any other food on sticks, you know that presenting them can prove a challenge. Next time, find a cute mug, cut out a block of styrofoam or floral foam and poke the sticks into it. To hide the unattractive appearance of the foam, cover with sprinkles or confetti! Check out our step-by-step guide for how to make cake pops.

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Stacked cake stand
Courtesy of Jane/Anyone for Tea? Catering

Kettle Dessert Stand

Stocked with tons of flea market and antique store teacups, Jane from Anyone for Tea? Catering had the idea to fashion them into a serving platter. By using plates of varying sizes and a soldering agent called epoxy, she created an adorable, antique way to display small treats. As she notes on the blog, be sure to measure and stack the exact center of each cup and saucer to make sure you don’t end with a leaning tower!

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Earrings hanging from a vintage teacup

Vintage Jewelry Organizer

Instead of letting your earrings and bracelets tangle together on a dish, organize them on pretty vintage teacups. Just hang the hooks of earrings over the edge and set any broaches, bracelets or larger pieces inside the cup. It makes for a unique and elegant display.

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Teacup Flowerpot
Country Woman

Teacup Flowerpot

For a garden small enough to hold in your hand, try making these mini “fairy pots!” Just hot glue a cup to its saucer and fill it with soil. You can use succulents, flowers and soil if you’re going for realism, or you can opt for a long-lasting decoration and use silk flowers and faux moss instead. Try these other ideas for crafty DIY centerpieces next.

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Consider upcycling some other kitchen items—here are creative ways to reuse glass jars and ideas to help you reinvent plastic bottles.